Film stills from Ieodo (Island Beyond the Sea), 2022-2024


Currents and Faultlines (2022-2026) is an artistic research project involving various collaborations with individuals, organizations, and institutions globally. Conceived by artist, filmmaker and professor Jane Jin Kaisen, the project is hosted by The School of Media Arts, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts and supported by The Danish Artistic Research Funding Programme, Ministry of Culture and The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, among others.

The project responds to the complexity of our times where planetary challenges such as climate change, war, social unrest, and migration testify to our mutual entanglement while highlighting ingrained polarities, the consolidation of power and resources, exploitation of the natural environment, and the monopolisation of technological infrastructures. Tracing alternative genealogies, representations, and sites of collective emergence across social, cultural, spatial, and temporal divides, the project attempts to contour other ways of navigating and being in the world.

A focus of the project has been spiritual cultures across volcanic island spaces along the Kuroshio Current and the Ring of Fire, and has involved research travels, filming, dialogues and collaboration with individuals and collectives in Jeju Island, Pongso No Tao, Amami Oshima and beyond. 

Throughout the research period, the project has been articulated and disseminated through artworks, talks, seminars, teaching, lectures by invited gusts at the School of Media Arts at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, conversations, film screenings, and exhibitions. 

Currents and Faultlines, 2022-

Stills from ongoing film project

Images from research, 2022-2024