FOR MORE THAN ONE VOICE (a collective performative reading)

In collaboration with Stina Hasse, (2016-2020)

For More Than One Voice is a collective reading that investigates how we might speak and listen to more than one voice in ways that allow for resonance, polyphony, dissonance, ambiguity, plurality, and embrace. The collective reading has been performed at NLH Space (As part of Stemmer curated by Mette Garfield and Miriam Wistreich), at Den Frie Udstillingsbygning (as part of Scripted, edited and organized by Trine Mee Sook Gleerup, Maria Bordorff and Mathias Kryger in collaboration with Eller med a), and at Sorte Firkant (as part of a workshop in relation to the multi-year project Tiempos Migratorios).